Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Yes, I'm shouting it from the roof tops! I can't remember the last time I accomplished so much in one afternoon.

I had a 2:30 follow-up appointment with my doctor. I left early so that I could stop at Micheal's first. I finally got the plastic canvas to use as a template for piercing. They did not have liquid pearls or paper file I wanted, the canvas was reward enough. Also got the Martha Stewart "doillie" border punch. Sure wish there had been a 40% off coupon this week.

I got a phone call from a friend on my way to the doctor's office. Since she has tomorrow off we plan to get together. That's something to look forward too.

I talked the nurse out of weighing in, after all it had only been 3 weeks since she last weighed me. Do you think she thought I'd lost weight? So, my blood pressure was 118/84. The doctor was pleased so I guess I am too. We discussed the side effects I've had tapering off Paxil. Although I only have the rest of the week taking 20 mg. every other day, I could still have some side effects for a couple more weeks. I can handle it! There was protein in my urine (another google) so I had to pee in a cup again. As for the rest of my lab work, I knew the red blood corpuscles were going to be high since I hadn't been able to give blood. This was the first time I've had blood work done since I started taking Pravochol (the generic version) vs. Crestor. My HDL and LDL were slightly elevated so she is increasing the dosage. Otherwise everything else was good. I do have another appointment in 2 weeks for a physical so I'll get the results of the urinalysis then.

Left the doctor's office to see my hair dresser. It was time for some shaping. I have always had short hair (see "self portrait" to the right). Understand, I have a lot of hair. It's very thick except at the temples, where it is receding, and the crown, where I have 3 cowlicks. Hmmm, might have mentioned this before. Sorry if you've been following my blog. That's a joke, note "followers" in the right hand column.

Decided to stop at Bi-Mart on the way out of Tigard. It's not out of the way and there is a drive thru Starbuck's (used to be Taco Time) in the parking lot. Since I didn't get Red Vines at Target the other day I got them at Bi-Mart. Of course I drove thru Starbuck's. Starbuck's needs to publish a dictionary.

It was only as I was leaving that it started to pour buckets. Not bad, not bad at all! It was also 4:30 so I figured traffic was going to be at a crawl. Not the case either. Did I mention WHAT A GREAT DAY I had?

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